Mon 13 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
New Exotic Japanese and Creole Ebony* Hot Early Bird $pecials $75 - 24
(Grand Forks, 42ND St. Grand Forks)
💋💝let me become your addiction well reviewed on aS HP - 30
(Anywere, Bismarck, Fargo / Moorhead, Grand Forks, Minot)
★HOT BRUNEttE iN tOWN ★ _-_ ★SEXy ★ _-_ ★MOdEL★ _-_ ★100% REAL★ _-_★CALL ME xoxoxo ★ IN/OUTCALLS - 22
(Minot, williston in/outcalls)
!! Kenya is Waiting 4 U ! ! ( WOW $100 Sp. Non-RUSH) 5 ☆SeRv!Ce ( ( %100 Me No games)) - 22
(Grand Forks, ur choice/ 24/7)
——»•☆_T H € NeW_P € R F € C T_ •☆•_C H O i C €_ ☆• iF §H€§ GOoD •☆• iM †H€ B€§ ! - 21
(Grand Forks, surrounding areas in/out)
Sat 11 Jan
Long Hair Th!ck Redbone Great UnRushed Plea$in Top of The Line Ent. - 24
(Grand Forks, Grand Forks: HI-WAY 2 & Interstate 29)
*VidEO PR👀F 🎥* MINOT nEW ATF💋 ((***FiLiPiNO 🎎 ASiAN***)) *💋* cERTiFieD FREAk 👅💦 ✅* - 22
FEISTY LATINA VISITING 4 ONE DAY ONLY {{{{{{ up all night special }}}}}} - 19
(Grand Forks, overnight special available)
Carmel skin cutie .. Specials CALL NOW ...IM WaItinG😘😘 - 22
(Fargo / Moorhead, fargo, Grand forks OUTCALLS ONLY)
. • * Ebony L♥vers' #1- Nicole 1o0 specials Early birds only ! - 21
(Grand Forks, grand forks incall/outcall)
((((( SWEET & PETITE ))))) FUN & EXCITING PUERTO RICAN {{{{ 100% real photos }}}} - 19
(Grand Forks, GRAND FORKS (( $100$ )) SPECIAL)
Fri 10 Jan
.NEW • • • • •► . 💣BOOM 💥 BOOM💥 POW 💣 BRAZILIAN KITTEN😻 . ◄ • • • • • NEW. - 25
Sharin my time with you!!!! Back in December! See ad for future dates. Book now! - 40
(All over ND, see ad for Dates & Location, Bismarck, Fargo / Moorhead, Grand Forks, Minot)
💋💝let me become your addiction well reviewed on aS HP - 30
(Anywere, Bismarck, Fargo / Moorhead, Grand Forks, Minot)
Well Reviewed, NeverRushed, Discrete, & Sensual **In Grand Forks Now & Willing to Travel** - 35
(Grand ForisND,MN private travel requests, Grand Forks)
YOUR NEW FAVORITE PUERTO RICAN »»»»»» visiting for one day dont miss me ««««««« - 19
(Grand Forks, GRAND FORKS »»»» up all night ««««)
Sharin my time with you!!!! In Bismarck til noon Saturday! See ad for dates. - 40
(All over ND, see ad for Dates & Location, Bismarck, Fargo / Moorhead, Grand Forks, Minot)
🌟🌟🌟 let's keep it casual with no strings attached 🌟🌟🌟 - 21
(Bismarck, everywhere, Fargo / Moorhead, Grand Forks, Minot)
Thu 09 Jan
waiting & willing to ac0mpany y0u t0 y0ur desires..
(Bismarck, Fargo / Moorhead, Grand Forks, Minot)
Nice ROUNd bOOtY* ((PeRFECT TiTS)) *PReTTY fACE* ((sLim WAist)Bombshell Mia - 18
(Grand Forks, Grandforks in/out)
College Girl is Fetish Friendly and into Role Play. Available Now! - 19
(Bismarck, Fargo / Moorhead, Grand Forks, In town, Minot)
Delightfully Uninhibited, Fantasies Welcome! - 19
(Bismarck, Fargo / Moorhead, Grand Forks, In town, Minot)
📱MOST WANTED🚫STOP!🅲🅻🅸🅲🅺 🅷🅴🆁🅴 ❕✨❤️『Gorgeous Thick Beαuтy』❣️ᗩɖɖıƈɬı۷ɛ 💥Available Now💥☆ - - 19
(Grand Forks, Grand Forks/East Grand)
Wed 08 Jan
Ur ▄▄ Candy COaTeD ▄▄▄ ExOTiC PLaYMaTE ▄▄▄ YoUR GOiN 2 LoVE ME ▄▄▄ - 22
(Grand Forks, I-29 S In/Outcall)
Hot and ready to play, Let me rock your world!
(Bismarck, Fargo / Moorhead, Grand Forks, Minot, In your arms ;))
Tue 07 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
«LEAVING TOMORROW!» ASiaN L♥vers' #1 Pick F L A W L E s S ☆ . •* ☆ . • TroPiCaL BeAuTy . «ViSiTiNG!» - 24
(Grand Forks, Grand ForKs ; Incalls ; Outcalls)
100% REAL W/PROOF! Ask about my GF ;) NEW 2 TOWN___ ( • )( • ) BUSTY 38DD THICK_ •EBONY BOMBSHELL __ - 19
(Grand Forks, I-29 S Incall/Outcall {917}439-0920)
Sophisticated Beauties_ Blondes & Brunettes__We Come To You - 28
(Bismarck, Fargo / Moorhead, Grand Forks, Minot, We COME To You)
Look whos swinging on your wood tomorrow night !! New & Improved .. Highly Reviwed..$100 sp 125 out - 22
(Grand Forks, Ur ChOiCe)
IM BACK❗🆕📷NEW PICS📷🆕💕AVAILABLE 24/7💕 2 Girl Show Unforgettable 🌴☀️ SUNNY ☀️🌴 213_626_9777 - 22
(Minot, Williston Ins&outs;)
Sun 05 Jan
o♥o°• SUPER SEXY • °o♥o°• BUSTY • °o♥o°• BLONDE • °o♥o°• Visiting 2days left Google me - 28
(Grand Forks, Grand forks in/out calls)
Flirtatious Brunette ❤️💋 Ready to play NOW 💎🍬🍭Treat Yourself 💜 - 24
(Grand Forks, Wherever you want me to be ;))
★ · M_A_D_E __ o° _ F_O_R_ °o° _Y_O_U_R_ °o° _P_L_E_A _ S_U_R_E! Exotic Mix ★ - 24
(Gf, Grand Forks)
> . > . JuST ARRiVED _____ ExOTiC SLeNDeR BRuNeTTe _____ CaLL Me NoW . < . < - 24
(Grand Forks, GRaND FoRKS - i CATeR 2 U)
Body 2 Body full RO¥AL Treatment __ JUST ARRIVED __giving you what you NEED - 24
(Grand Forks, In/out)
Sat 04 Jan