Wed 08 Jan
Sharin my time again! Sorry you missed me, catch me next time! Grand Forks!!!! Book your date now! - 38
(Grand Forks)
•• BR00K£ŸN ¡§ H€®€ B@BŸ•• H!GhLY R€√!€D •• QU@L!F!€D 2 L€@V€ U S@T!SF!€D •• $80 §P€©!@L§ - 26
(Grand Forks)
⇨ 100% Real •[[ JUiCY. B∅∅TY. ]]• U'll wanna try this 5☆☜ ♥Exotic Mixed Bunny✔ REViEWED✔ Curvaceous✔ - 22
(Grand Forks, I-29S 612.418.4722)
***** LADIES ******* BEFORE you post an ad please contact me, it will be well worth your $$$ - 47
(Grand Forks, travel ND and MN)
Hot and ready to play, Let me rock your world!
(Bismarck, Fargo / Moorhead, Grand Forks, Minot, In your arms ;))
__ I ______ ♥______2 _______S______ A_______ T______ I______ S______ F ______ Y___ - 26
(Minot, Williston)
IM BACK!... Puerto Rican Doll at its finest (Popular Demand) Try me baby 💋 - 22
I NC A L L 80qw /120Hhr 👅👄💦S P E C I A L !! 80/120$S P E C I A L !!!! I N C A L L - 25
(Fargo / Moorhead)
Mature, Sensuous, Leann Back in Fargo Checking out at noon today. catch me NOW!30+ Reviews!!! - 45
(Fargo / Moorhead)
100%REAL♥♡♥Best Around N Back In Town For One Nite♡♥♡Upscale Beauty Ms.Amelia - 25
(Grand Forks, Grand Forks Area Outcall Only Plz)
::::.... ATT€NTiON N€W • •❀• • HOT SW€€T PLAYMAT€ • •❀• • MiX€D B€AUTY ....:::: - 22
(Grand Forks, your place or mine)
Available Now in Grandforks Ebony Hottie Last Night In Town New Hot Review Perfect 10 Google Me - 29
(Grand Forks, GrandForks In/Out)
NEW IN TOWN ( SuP€r ♥K¡Nk¥ ⇦★▃ 1OO% REAL《《.. ♡♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥- - 24
(Grand Forks, grand forks/east grand forks)
$$100.00 SPECIAL 🌟DEC. 26th & 27th(only) WORTH ~ EVERY ~ PENNY🌟🌟↘↘Highly Reviewed ↙↙ - 30
(East grand forks, Grand Forks)
***** LADIES ******* BEFORE you post an ad please contact me, it will be well worth your $$$ - 47
(Grand Forks, travel ND and MN)
100$ Outcalls -♡ Sexy, Sweet, and Everything Nice.. Try Me Once.You'll Call Me Twice -♡ - 23
(Grand Forks, Incall/Outcall)
•°•°•°• NeW •°•°•°• ExOtIc •°•°•°• BeAuTy •°•°•°• In •°•°•°• ToWn •°•°•°• - 24
(Grand Forks, Incall only)
NEW!! Sexy Saturday Treat Just 4 YOU ~ Highly Reviewed ~ Amazing Assets ~ 1st Visit to ND - 36
(Fargo / Moorhead, Grand Forks, Fargo 5/27-6/2 GF 6/2-6/4)
open minded . . . . sexy & sweet . . . . yummy treat - 19
(Bismarck, Fargo / Moorhead, Grand Forks, In town, Minot)
come play with me today... blonde sexy right!!! - 27
(Grand Forks, grand forks surrounding areas out call O)
* Travel * Host * UR Place: Beautiful Stallion Back Now 4 Ur Tyme (RIGHT NOW) - 24
(Grand Forks, InCall: GATEWAY DR Also OutCall)
Tue 07 Jan
~*VISITING*~ NeW Face ★SiMPLy AMAZiNG ★)) *Slim Waist* (( ★LATINA BEAUTY ★)) ♡Avail. NOW♥ - 23
(Grand Forks, YOUR place Or MINE €;-))
125/150 SPECIAL★ •°▄▄▄ ° •★ .100% REAL * FUN * SEXY★ •° •★ WHY LOOK FURTHER ★•°▄▄▄ ° •★ ★• - 19
(Grand Forks, IN or OUT I-29S BROOKELYN {917}439-0920)
★★ ★★ HOT ♥ YOUNG ♥ EXOTIC★★ ★★ Ready for Fun - 22
(Grand Forks, Grand Forks surrounding cities (in/out))
💓💓You've been DISAPPOINTED By the Rest 💕 Come be ⭐PLEASANTLY⭐ Surprised by the ⭐BEST!⭐💓💓 - 25
(Grand Forks)
Mon 06 Jan
♥♡Jane ♡¤♥¤*¤♡¤♥☆**NEW #★701▪203☆2275☆ LOCAL♣Discrete !!! - 29
(Ada Mahnomen area, Fargo / Moorhead, Grand Forks)
((657))2371037❤100% REAL 💋 SEXXY KinKkyy SEDUCTIVE VIXXEN.Ready to SPOIL❤❤❤ - 21
(Bismarck, Fargo / Moorhead, Grand Forks, Minot, Williston now !!! xoxoxo)
«LEAVING TOMORROW!» ASiaN L♥vers' #1 Pick F L A W L E s S ☆ . •* ☆ . • TroPiCaL BeAuTy . «ViSiTiNG!» - 24
(Grand Forks, Grand ForKs ; Incalls ; Outcalls)
NEW GIRL in Town - Busty Beauty to Rock Your World!... - 19
(Bismarck, Fargo / Moorhead, Grand Forks, In town, Minot)
The heat index is somewhere between OMG and WTF: no strings attached
(Bismarck, Fargo / Moorhead, Grand Forks, Minot, everywhere)
100% REAL W/PROOF! Ask about my GF ;) NEW 2 TOWN___ ( • )( • ) BUSTY 38DD THICK_ •EBONY BOMBSHELL __ - 19
(Grand Forks, I-29 S Incall/Outcall {917}439-0920)
ASk ME aBOUT Prostate massage- -- 701-248-4017 - 100
(Bismarck, Fargo / Moorhead, Grand Forks, Minot, MINOT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 701-248-4017 P)
Best Body Massage includes everything you want - don't get ripped off! - 19
(Bismarck, Fargo / Moorhead, Grand Forks, Minot, 1)
* LEt"S Do SomethINg (YOu"Ve NEver DONE Before ) TAlk TO Ya SoOn $125 SPECIAL ** ! - 22
(Grand Forks)
•★• P L A Y F U L •★• ——B U S T Y B L O N D E ——•★• D O N T M i S S- •★• - 23
(Grand Forks, GRAND FORKS- ONE DAY ONLY!!!!)